Entry pages
PageN. pathsCount
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/profile.html15% of paths8% of visits
/products.html4% of paths4% of visits
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/contact.html2% of paths3% of visits
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Exit pages
PageN. pathsCount
/index.php21% of paths34% of visits
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Magnet pages
PageN. visitsEfficiency
/index.php5,214 visits2.957 clicks/ visit
/profile.html849 visits4.130 clicks/ visit
/prefabricated-houses.html1,330 visits2.170 clicks/ visit
/weight-calculator-application.html1,080 visits1.388 clicks/ visit
/products.html401 visits2.165 clicks/ visit
/open-top-containers.html267 visits2.176 clicks/ visit
/EN-open-top-containers.html231 visits1.896 clicks/ visit
/contact.html256 visits1.641 clicks/ visit
/quality.html224 visits1.143 clicks/ visit
/ENproducts.html93 visits1.914 clicks/ visit

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